Published News

RiteComm Phone Services

RiteComm offers all the phone services needed to compete and succeed in today’s customer-centric business environment. A virtual phone assistant can answer and route calls, even at the busiest times

Filipino Motivational Speaker: Paulo Tibig

Paulo Tibig has carved a notable niche for himself as a renowned Filipino motivational speaker, cementing his position as one of the most distinguished leadership speakers in the Philippines today. His unique style, known as "learnjoyment," permeates his keynotes and workshops, making them stand out. His best-selling book, "Strategies of a Champion Entrepreneur," and his recent release, "STANDOUT: How to Lead Without Losing Your Values," further underscore his expertise in ethical leadership. Beyond his literary accomplishments, Tibig is a trusted source of knowledge, frequently appearing on national television and radio.

나와 당신이 알고 싶은 것 전자 담배 쇼핑몰

지금의 액상 전자담배 과세 기준엔 전자담배 특성에 대한 인지가 누락된 점도 문제다. 액상형 전자흡연에 사용하는 장비 및 그 장비에 투입하는 니코틴 함량과 점도는 액상 교차로 수천가지 경우의 수가 고정된다. 각각의 소모량도 천차만별이다. 일률적인 세금 부과는 형평성에 불균형한다