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예약에 대한 30가지 감동적인 인용문

<p>코로나19의 여파가 여전한 가운데 가을·겨울 여행 수요까지 더해지면서 렌터카 업계가 뜻밖의 호황을 누리고 있다. 개인 이동수단의 필요성이 불어나는데 반해, 신차 구매나 중고차 매입이 부담스러운 구매자들이 장·초단기 렌터카 제품으로 눈을 돌리고 있는 것이다

Asylum Scandals by Patricia

Can you imagine life for people committed to the insane asylum in the 19th century? “Asylum Scandals” provides a picture of life in the state hospitals between 1867 and 1915. The book includes actual experiences of patients who saw abuse, neglect, torture, and murder. There were complicated medical procedures like lobotomies, electric shock therapy, and hydrotherapy sprays. Here, horrible truths that occurred inside the brick walls of the state hospitals are exposed...